Complete uninstall bluestacks
Complete uninstall bluestacks

complete uninstall bluestacks

When the uninstallation is finished, click Completed button to exit out of the wizard.ĭoes everything goes well? Some users may encounter problems in this standard process, like the uninstaller does not show up automatically, or the uninstallation is interrupted by unknown error.

complete uninstall bluestacks

If you don’t want to keep them, just click Uninstall button, and the program will be deleted.

complete uninstall bluestacks

If you want to backup your data for later use, click Settings > Backup & Restore in BlueStacks App Player to export the data. Click the Uninstall button that appears below, and click Uninstall againĪs the BlueStacks App Player uninstaller window pops up, click Uninstall button, and click Uninstall button again.On the right pane, scroll down to locate BlueStacks App Player, and click the entry.Right click on the Start menu and choose App and Features on the top.Highlight BlueStacks App Player in the list, and click on the Uninstall/Change link.Right click on the Start menu and then choose Programs and Features in the list.Scroll through to locate Acer Portal, and click on Uninstall/Change link above.Click the Uninstall a program link under the Programs heading.Hit the Windows key on the keyboard (or click Start icon) and choose Control Panel.Activate BlueStacks App Player Uninstaller from Start MenuĪctually BlueStacks App Player comes with a dedicated uninstaller, which can be activated from the Program(Apps) & Features pane. What to do if you want to uninstall BlueStacks App Player from your Windows PC? If you are looking for a way to completely remove it without traces, it is not enough to uninstall it from the Programs & Features pane. The vendor also mentions that it could create a few problems on Users’ PCs, which are mostly related to performance. This program may not act as a malware but it does consumes plenty of system memory and RAM, which could slow down your PC. Is BlueStacks App Player safe to install? Some antivirus software may detect it as a malware, warning users that this program may be harmful and cause damage to the system. The latest version is BlueStacks App Player 4, released on Sept 18, 2018. After installing this program on your PC, you will be able to run Android applications within it. The basic features of this software are free to use, but to use the advanced optional feature you need to pay for the monthly subscription.

complete uninstall bluestacks

How to Fully Uninstall BlueStacks App Player on PCīlueStacks App Player is an Android emulator available for Windows and Mac platforms.

Complete uninstall bluestacks