How to uninstall bluestacks on windows 7
How to uninstall bluestacks on windows 7

This tutorial also works for other app that is crashing your Windows and the download link is given at bottom of this post. But there is an app called Winaero Tweaker that can enable Windows Installer Service in safe mode too. BlueStacks requires that service hence is unable to uninstall in a normal way. In Safe Mode no app can be installed or uninstalled that requires Windows Installer Service because Safe Mode also disables it. So definitely it also disables BlueStacks from loading at boot time and you Windows will turn on without showing BSoD again. Safe Mode disables all other third party apps and only enables Windows core apps and drivers. But how can you turn on you PC if BSoD come in front of you after each reboot? If you are unable to boot your Windows PC there is a Safe Mode option to boot into. The solution of this problem is to disabling Hyper-V or uninstall the BlueStacks app that is causing the problem. In this article I will show you how to fix that reboots after installing BlueStacks.

how to uninstall bluestacks on windows 7

However both problem shows BSoD but the second one is very crappy and PC goes into continuous reboot and it becomes impossible to boot Windows. There are 2 problems I faced while using BlueStacks, first is I am unable to open BlueStacks with Hyper-V enabled and second is, if you install older version of BlueStacks you will have to face continuous reboot showing Blue Screen of Death (BSoD). After Windows 10 Anniversary Update in 2016 BlueStacks has been facing compatibility issue with Windows 10. BlueStacks has compatibility issue with Windows 10.

How to uninstall bluestacks on windows 7